January 21, 2010

Helping One "Star" at a Time

Helping One "Star" at a Time

Our Retreats in Body Heart Mind and Soul are designed to help you in a personal and meaningful way.. You will rejuvenate, tone up, and discover your greatest self--"inside and out".

Our vision and purpose is to provide you with the tools and motivation you need to reach your goals and become who you dream to be.

The story is told of a little girl walking down the beach in the morning after a storm, quickly picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean as fast as she can. The beach is covered with starfish and in the afternoon most of the starfish will die from overexposue to the heat of the sun.

A man well aquainted with the ocean and how the world works takes note of this ambitious little girl. With well intentions he says to her, "It is okay you don't have to pick up them all. Yes, some will die, but this is the way nature works and It doesn't really matter there are still plenty of starfish in the ocean." He smiles to let the little girl know everything will be okay.

The little girl pauses a moment, slowly picks up a starfish and looks the man straight in the eye. "Doesn't really matter, huh?" The man nods at her affirminly. The girl looks back down at the pink starfish in her hand and then back up at the man. "Hmm..." she says to herself.

She takes a deep breath and slowly looks back down at the little pink starfish. She hold him up close to her face "Well," she whispers, "that man thinks it doesn't really matter. What do you think?" A few seconds pass by and the girl whispers back, "I think so too!"

Then she takes the little starfish and throws it as hard as she can out into the ocean. The girl looks at the man and yells with a fiery zeal, "WELL MISTER, IT DEFINITELY MATTERED TO HIM!" She runs on to throw as many starfish as possible back into the ocean.

Small acts of service do matter. Every individual does matter. YOU MATTER!

Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Our focus is to help individuals acheive meaningful results in body, heart, mind,and soul. We are here to help people, one at a time.

Danette Allen Fitness
"Live Your Best Life!"

Health & Fitness Retreats, Exercise Workouts, Nutrition, Motivational Tools, Events & More

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