Why Eating Clean is so hard!
I am a nutritionist, exercise and fitness professional and even I have difficulty in putting the proper fuel in my body. There are days when I wonder why it is so hard? I believe I am a sporty, flashy, sports car and I know that to run properly I need to feed myself clean, high grade fuel, non of that processed, artificial crap. I know it, yet I find myself rummaging through the cupboards looking for anything to fix this desire to find something salty, sweet and crunchy! I don't feel better after I eat it, I usually want more and find myself feeling more empty and lethargic than before. Yes, I know all of this, yet I struggle to continue to eat clean everyday. Do I believe that having a dessert every know and again is wrong? Heck no. Believe me, I celebrate all those amazing chefs out there and would love to try all their goods. :)I do believe moderation is really the key to life. So a dessert every two weeks is adequate.
Deep down, I believe this crazy craving of food comes from years and years of eating artificial, overly processed foods from the first time our Grandma's wanted us to try ice cream to watch our chubby 1 yr. old cheeks pucker up & eventually smile. It seems like every loved one, tried to sneak sweets in their little one's mouths. And what about all those moms who offer a sucker if you will be good? I remember wanting my mom to go to the bank because I got a free sucker. Moms loved it because we had a sugar pacifier in our mouths and the banks loved it because the kids asked their parents to take them there again. I was especially appauled when I took my very sick, pneumonia, ER child to her post doctor visit and the first thing they did was offer her a sucker...What??? What about all you parents out there who take your kids to McDonalds to get a happy meal as your way of family bonding?
All of this crazy eating and trying to get your body on track is from years and years of not so healthy habits w/ our loved ones. Food brings so many different emotions of comfort, peace, temporary fullness, to even love. Real emotions. Very real emotions. So as you are rummaging through the cupboards looking for your next sweet, or salty fix, as yourself...what am I trying to fulfill emotionally? What else could I have or do that would fix this craving? A hug? A nap, a 15 min. read of a good book, a hike or walk outside, a call to a loved one? Take a piece of paper and write down all the pleasures that you enjoy that don't revolve around food. Post this up and when the urge comes, pick one on the list and do it!!! See if the craving goes away.
As you think about this and as I sit here writing this post, I have Sweet Potato Chips baking in the oven!!!! Yes, I had that salty crunchy craving and I fixed it. Here's the recipe:
Thinly slice in slices 2 sweet potatoes or yams. Lay them on a baking sheet and lightly cover w/ olive oil, sprinkle w/ either cinnamon or sea salt (depending on your taste)..bake at 350 for 50 minutes. They come out sweet, salty and crunchy!!! Yum..now we are talking!
Danette Allen Fitness www.danetteallenfitness.com Body Heart Mind Soul Health & Fitness Retreats, Exercise Workouts, Nutrition, Visualization & More
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