February 10, 2012

New juicing fast for me

As you may all soon find out, I am going through a divorce.  Not a nice divorce (are there any out there)  I was super naive to think that there was a possiblity in that scenario.  This a divorce that has us clawing at one another, me changing the locks on my home-afraid for my safety, one where I am discovering lying, deceit financially, not to mention being more financially strapped then I have ever been.  Trying to focus on being the best,  kindest mom to my girls, all while working to put food in my babies mouths.

During this time of incredible stress, I do know it can have learning experiences for me.  Me being a huge health advocate, I am discovering health changes in my body.  My neck is in chronic pain and on the nights where I am not sleeping, fearing for my life, I awake to large boils/zits, whatever you want to call them, but just for the record..they are huge!  They are covering my neck, in particular by my vocal cords and on my chin.  My neck hurts all the way through my trapz and I am discovering knee discomfort.  I think I can live w/ the knee and neck, but the large, painful boils/zits exposed on my face, leaves me very humble and desperate to find something that can help me heal and hopefully others.  I am wanting to start a site that will help anyone get the body of their dreams, the health of their dreams and have so much beauty that they look years younger!

I am going to start on Monday, implementing this cleanse/fast...I will take before and after pictures and we will see what happens to my skin!!

Wish me luck and I will keep you posted!

Danette Allen Fitness www.danetteallenfitness.com Body Heart Mind Soul Health & Fitness Retreats, Exercise Workouts, Nutrition, Visualization & More


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