August 21, 2008

You Matter


Shout that at the top of your lungs. You really do matter.

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats

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August 20, 2008

Nutrition...eating well and feeling great

Mindful eating helps.

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats


Life Coaching is about helping you reach your goals

Life coaching helps hold yourself accountible to your own goals.

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats


Exercise Workouts 101

Get fit face it.

There is an upcoming womens conference in two weeks in Salt Lake City where Danette Allen will be speaking and giving amazing health and fitness tips

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats


Fitness Retreats 101

What do I need to bring? Bring yourself just the way you are.

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats


Authentic Fitness Retreats

Genuine Authenticity is what our Fitness Retreats are about. We help clients see results in body heart mind and soul.

"Live Your Best Life--Body Heart Mind Soul"
Health & Fitness Retreats